In the past 10 days there have been 3 nights were Samantha has been up FOR THREE HOURS! I don't know why she is up, she is crying at first and then she is pretty happy. I am into the cry-it-out method but in this scenario I don't think it works. We tried last night to let her cry but she just got angrier and angrier. When we got her she had a really wet diaper so maybe that was part of the problem. Her molars are still coming through so maybe that's part of the problem. I don't know what to do besides pray every night that she'll sleep (and we all know I'm not much of a prayer).And she doesn't sleep a lot during the day. No more than 2 hours in naps. Any suggestions on how to handle her new desire to be a night owl?
Here she is with Greta.
Time for some news !!!!
Time for some news !!!!
Hope sam is feeling better
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