Samantha is getting so big and so independent lately. Today she went off to the "Mommy's Morning Out" program with no problem. Some kids cry and want their moms, not my child. She marches right in, takes off her coat, and starts playing. She barely takes the time to say goodbye to me. She was very excited when I came to pick her up so that always makes me feel good. We went to the grocery store today and she insisted on walking the whole time, no shopping cart for her. Note to self: possibly go grocery shopping while she's at Mommy's Morning Out next time, my shopping might go a little quicker. Honestly though I don't mind her slowness. Although at times she is "as slow as molasses" as my mother would say. Most days of the week we are not in a rush to get anywhere, and we are lucky for that. It's these moments with her that I need to remember, because they will be gone all too quickly. I would love to see the world the way she does, so exciting at all times, and sometimes with her I do get a glimpse of it the way she does.
Here's a pic of my little ballerina. The tutu goes on as soon as she wakes up and often doesn't get taken off until bedtime.
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