The rest of our week is going much more smoothly. After Samantha's sleepless night she took a 3 hour nap that next day and then slept that night from 7:30 to 7:30. And this morning, Thursday it's 7:05 and she's still sleeping. It's a daycare day and we have to leave at 7:30 so I might have to wake her up soon if she doesn't on her own. We're having a nice shirt week. We got some very exciting news about some good friends having a baby, we're not telling who yet, but we just can't wait. Samantha will have a new friend. Today we have music class and tomorrow if Friday, yipee!
I also got some nice work related news. I have been babysitting sicnce the end of last summer. It has slowly gotten to be more and more hours and I have been saying I will stop for months. Well they finally found someone else! I'm so glad, she starts next week. Now I will work a few days a week in the mornings, and be done at 12:30 on the days I work. I think it will be much better for us, Samantha will get to spend more time with her grandma and have 2 days at daycare until 12:30, which she really seems to enjoy. I am really looking forward to having the afternoons to myself (and Samantha).