We had a very busy yesterday. I like to keep my weekends busy mostly. But today is a rainy day and I'm looking forward to just hanging out and playing inside. Cleaning up a little and finally putting up Samanthas curtains that just came a few days ago. Yesterday was fun. We went to swimming, which Samantha loved, as always. Then I got my hair cut, finally, it was the first time since the beginning of Feb. Then we went to my Grandfathers 70th birthday party. We had fun, Samantha basically had everyone wrapped around her finger, as always. She went in the pool, got to ride in a little car with her big cousins, played a lot, and went on her first trampoline. She loved the trampoline, she kept running around and falling and she just thought it was hysterical. We got home late last night, and got up early this morning (of course) so we're a little tired and in need of a lazy Sunday.
Here's Sam on her first trampoline. It was very safe, it had a net, she was the only one on, and there were about 20 people standing around it to make sure she was safe.
By the way, on a personal note, I'm having a little problem. The people I used to babysit for have hired a new babysitter, but they asked me to do an overnight this coming Wed. They have a new babysitter and the grandmother lives in the next town. So I said no. And I feel so guilty like I should have said yes. I should help them out. Blah blah blah. Anyone want to make me feel better? It shouldn't be my problem. I don't know why they ask me. I could go on and on about this but I won't. Oh well, if anyone wants to know more about the situtation feel free to ask, I guess I'm just going to go on feeling guilty. By the way this other babysitter is new for them but doesn't have her own baby, like I do who she'd have to bring along. And the grandmother is here too! (Oh wait, did I say I wouldn't go on??)