Could it be...candy?!?
Believe or not Sam did not have candy for Easter, she was too littel to know what it was. She played with candy, her cousins ate candy, but I figured if this year I can easily keep her from eating it I might as well. We don't need cavities in those little tiny teeth. Did your kids eat candy?? Am I a mean mom? My neice who is 3 months older did have candy so I'm feeling a little mean, but still I'm sure she'll have enough next year, when she DOES get it. And really, she certainly knows what cookies are and has enough of those.
Sam's got plenty of years to test drive all different types of candies, so that's not mean at all. She wouldn't even know what it was. she's so cute, I miss her already. lol. and you! and everyone else but on the cute scale, sorry, she's the winner
I don't let my son eat candy. He found Easter eggs, but I opened them later when he wasn't around. He has had a few bites of peeps, but other than candy here either. Guess I can be a mean mommy with ya!
Yep, I'm mean too. Addy's 18 months, and the most candy she had was a bite of my Snickers egg. (See, the Easter bunny left Mommy a few treats...)
But I'm with you. Why start em on the sugar addiction sooner than you have to?
I love Sam's outfit in this photo - so flippin cute!!!
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