I was at a playgroup today and moms we're talking about never having time to themselves and feeling like they were "just moms" because of that. We were all asked whether we get time to ourselves daily, weekly, or monthly. One mom said daily. When asked to elaborate she said the kids go to bed at 8, then she has time to clean up and go to bed. I don't think of this as time to myself. I thought time to myself was time when I'm not expected to do "mom/housewife things" at all. What do you guys think? Do you get time to yourself, if so how and what does that entail?
Also, Sam really needs a haircut, right? What am I going to do with this hair?
Wow, Sam's hair is getting long! She is such a cutie:)
Time to myself....not much.
On the days that I'm working I try to use one lunch break/week as 'me' time, where I shop a little, or get a pedicure.
This is a new development (as of last week) because I realized I never carve out time for myself:)
I try to make a little time to practice my photography too.
At times I do feel guilty about 'me,' even though I know I deserve a little time to myself. It's difficult as a Mom because everyone else's needs/wants come first.
I think you should decide something that is really a priorty for you right now and schedule it into every week. I know, easier said than done:) Good luck!
I don't get time to myself either. I'm lucky if I have 1/2-hour each month. My son does go to bed early and he takes naps, but I don't consider that time alone. I do things around the house then. It doesn't count!
Her hair is getting long. If I hadn't cut Zachariah's already, it would probably look just like that. Actually he needs it cut again already. Can you pull Sam's hair up in a barette? That would be cute. I'd try that first with a girl. Then if you have to maybe just trim the bangs.
Item One: Me time. No, cleaning up the kitchen and picking up toys after the kid goes to bed does NOT count as me time. Nor does grocery shopping without the baby. Me time is lunch with a friend, a massage, a nap, etc. I do get naps lots of days lately, since being pregnant makes me sort of crave sleep, but I didn't used to. I used to clean whenever I had a free second. Now, I have re-prioritized!
Item Two: Baby hair. Definitely try clips or ponytails first. That's what I've been doing, because I'm scared to cut bangs and then have her be stuck with them for a long time.
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