Well this is week one of operation SAHM. So far Samantha and I have done many exciting things. Today for example, we did not get dressed until 1:30. However, we did accomplish many important things this morning. We organized our bills, our files, and our photos. Then we played. It's kind of amazing that 2 weeks ago I had gotten to work at 8:30 and had done all kinds of things by 1:30. And today I'm actually claiming that organizing a few things and playing is an accomplishment? Who am I?
I also realized that we have no money. However, if you know me, you know that I ALWAYS think I have no money. I could have tons of money saved but because that isn't money I can use "I have no money". There are all kinds of reasons why I could "have no money" but really I do. This drives my husband crazy.
I know you're thinking but don't you:
1 - have hardly any bills right now (yes but I quit my job too)
2 - not even pay rent and live in your parents basement (this is not a basement, it's a two family house, but you're right I don't pay rent)
3 - didn't you want this (that one is true and I'm totally thrilled with my decision but I can still complain)
Week 1 of our move was a "vacation" because Tim wasn't working. So we have been "staying home" for about 4 days now. On Day 5 we will: vacuum, go for a walk, go to the post office. Wow, the excitement, I bet you can't wait to read the next post.