Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

XMas - Part 2

Christmas Eve at Aunt Sue's house, me & Sam, Brian holding Sam (surprise, surprise) and Ruthie, Sam, & Alissa (Ruthie you're on the blog!)

XMAs - Part One

The trip down to Long Island - stopping at Katie and Mikes and at Danielle's to see Emma Kate before XMAs eve dinner -

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Samantha is getting her molars. She is so miserable. The nights are the worst. She could not sleep last night even though we gave her tylenol. It just isn't working... I hope she feels better for Christmas.
All we want for Christmas is her 2 back teeth to come through!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Be prepared...

You are about to experience dangerous amounts of cuteness...

New carseat

New carseat, big girl. The old pic is her first day in her carseat coming home from the hospital.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006


We survived her first birthday party! I can't believe it's over. We had a great time, it was not too crazy, everyone had fun, enough food, and it went well. We are tired. We are somewhat cleaned up, all the big stuff is done, dishes done, thank goodness. We have some little things to do tomorrow. I'm going to bed. Here's a taste of the party.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Getting Party Ready

Tomorrow is Samantha's First Birthday Party! I'm sorry for all of you who are missing it, she is just too cute. We've been singing happy birthday to her and she really like s it, although I'm not sure how she feels about the whole candle thing. We'll see... We're busy preparing for having too many people over, but really, the more the merrier. I cannot believe my little baby is one year old! Sometimes I look at her and think what a baby she still is, and other times I think, wow, she is just so big. It's been an exciting year with lots of changes. Hopefully we will get lots of good pictures. I gotta go get things ready...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My only new pictures

I know you want something different, but I have nothing else. I'll try to take new pics tomorrow. She's still a cutie...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Favorite Toy

Yes, we are still playing with the chick costume. It is so funny, how could you not love it? Samantha wears it, I wear it and she laughs. We'll be playing with this thing for the next 5 years. Apparently my $18.50 purchase was my best buy of the year. And Tim thinks Samantha gets way.

Taking Her Job Seriously

Here's Samantha helping to decorate the tree.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

This Time Last Year...

.. I was anxiously waiting for Samantha's arrival. I was pretty miserable at this point, hoping every day would be "IT". It wasn't... not yet anyway. I wasn't working anymore due to high blood pressure and I was walking 2 hours a day in the hope that it would help Samantha to make her entrance... it didn't. Oh yeah, and for those of you who remember I wasn't answering phone calls because I didn't want to hear the question, "Are you having the baby yet?"

Sleepless Baby

Sam has woken up at 5 today for the 3rd day in a row. This does not make me happy. This has to stop happenning. Please help...
I'm leaving you with pics from last year the week she was born. My how she has grown!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Operation Overnight Successful...

... sort of. We went to the wedding had a great time and I missed Samantha but it was nice to go to a wedding and not have to get up early with her. We were up late and it would've been hard to get up at 6:30 with Samantha. Now we're home and I'm ready to see Samantha but she's not here! She went away with Grandma and the car broke down so she is getting back a little later than expected. This is the hard part. Now I'm back and waiting to see her and there's nothing I can do about it. It's 2:45 now, they should be back by 6 and then I will finally get to see her! Here's some pictures of the wedding. Hopefully some people will have pics of Samantha this weekend without me and probably not having very much fun. : ) But I will post them anyway if I get some. I'll be ready to do another overnight in about a year, I think.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Saturday night Tim and I have a wedding and my mom will have Samantha overnight. We have a hotel and won't be back until SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Samantha and I have spent very little time apart since we moved in May. I think twice my parents babysat for a few hours, once my sister babysat, and once my Aunt did. I love spending so much time with her but I am also really looking forward to the wedding. I'm sure I'll miss her a lot and think about her a lot, and I'm sure I'll be ready to go home Sunday, but still I'm looking forward to it. Samantha has only spent one other night away from me. It was early May, Tim and I had a going away party and Samantha spent the night with my parents. I thought about her all night and woke up really early the next day to go and get her. Let's see how it goes this time. Is it wrong that I hope she misses me? I'm sure she won't, she's very independent and I think its still out of sight, out of mind. Oh well. Wish us luck.

By the way we have this little Christmas decoration of a skating Snowman, Samantha loves it. She loves to pick up the Snowman and try to put him back. Except when she "puts" him back she throws him really hard against the "pretend lake" and he falls over. I think we need a lot of work using our "gentle hands".